
Visualisation Automative Network

  • Import signal definitions from AUTOSAR XML files
  • Visualize large networks with intelligent layouts and clustering
  • Build interactive subnetworks for easier analysis
  • Analyze network dependencies at any scale
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Feature1: Discover your network with intralink

Network Visualization

intralink vizualisation theory

A common problem with visualizing networks, is the nature of these networks like open end automotive networks. Engineer often faces slow, non-scaling operations due to the size of the network

  • Incremental layout methods for preserving the limited graph canvas
  • Managing complexity of large networks through auto-scaling operations
  • Grouping related nodes in nested clusters to save more place
  • Applying expand-collapse operations for nodes and edges
  • Ausblenden derzeit unnötiger Details, um sie später bei Bedarf schrittweise zu enthüllen

Networks from AUTOSAR XML (arxml)

Analyze the state of your network at any scale and understand which node relationships have which dependencies.With just one mouse click, a relationship table, the communication matrix will be generated. It also hides all irrelevant nodes and edges

  • Retrieve metadata of the node such as name, version, etc.
  • Number of network paths in the view
  • Display the interface name of the relation
  • Provider and receiver identification
  • Number of the relation in the View
  • Total number of incidents in the View

Building interactive subnetworks

Network managers are faced with ever-increasing amounts of data. Analyzing this data for security and performance issues is essential. intralink events make it easy to understand. They display event sequences with each mouse movement, recognize how relationships unfold, and look good at any scale, with smooth transitions and intelligent aggregation that provides a unique user experience

Feature2:Networks from AUTOSAR XML (arxml)

For each ECU, the OEM reduces the System Description to an ECU Extract of System Description, which contains a description of all SWCs of an ECU. Based on this specification, it is theoretically possible to identify all signal definitions of a SWC

how the network is constructed?

The signal definition in the ECU Extract uses intralink to form the logical relationships between the individual SWCs inside and outside an ECU. This is used to form the logical relationships between ECUs. An ECU is represented in a cluster as it contains child SWC elements, where the ECU itself is part of a domain cluster, e.g. powertrain, body or infotainment, etc. In this way, a bottom-up mapping of a system description is created and thus also a nested cluster architecture

Importing signal definitions from AUTOSAR XML files

Signal definitions from the AUTOSAR XML file describe the logical relationships between ECUs and SWCs. It is difficult to extract this data manually from about 1 Gbyte of text. Although it is XML, the structure of ARXML files can be incredibly complex, plus there are a large number of different versions and different standards. In fact, there is no single/simple AUTOSAR XML file specification, but there are AUTOSAR XML schemas, that define the actual structure of a vendor's AUTOSAR XML file. intralink built-in XML interpreter that can import multiple AUTOSAR XML files at once and also knows their schemas The interpreted data are displayed as hierarchical trees showing all signals from the imported files. With a single mouse click all relative relations between the ECUs are created

Generic Configuration Editor

intralink has a powerful consolidated table view similar to Excel. The data in this view is generated from the AUTOSAR XML file. The user has the advantage of being able to interact with and edit the network data when necessary. In many situations where the implementation of the system description is not clear, the configuration editor provides a simple method for optimizing, deleting and filtering network data before visualization

AUTOSAR Visualization

Feature3:Export Netwrok as HTML

Picture of the team

In der Desktop-Anwendung sind intralink-Netzwerkdiagramme interaktiv: Sie können über Datenpunkte fahren, Achsen verschieben und zoomen sowie Kurven über die Legende ein- oder ausblenden. Figuren können entweder als HTML für die Browseranzeige oder in Bildformate wie PNG, JPEG, SVG oder PDF exportiert werden. HTML-Präsentationen sind praktisch für Meetings, da nur ein Webbrowser wie Firefox, Edge oder Chrome benötigt wird. Netzwerkdaten können auch in gängige Formate wie CSV und JSON exportiert werden, um eine einfache Integration in Organisationswerkzeuge zu ermöglichen